Joint union response to Government proposals following the STRB's 27th Report

28 July 2017

Joint union response to Government proposals following the STRB's 27th Report

The education unions (UCAC, NUT, NAHT, ASCL, ATL and VOICE) have issued a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Education calling on the Government to ensure that the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document provides all teachers with a pay increase in line with the STRB recommendations for the relevant pay range.
The education unions will also be jiontly advising schools that theu should provide all teachers with a pay increase in line with the STRB recommendations for the relevant pay range and that their pay policies should make this approach clear.
To see the letter in full, click here.
UCAC has also sent a letter directly to the Secretary of State for Education reinforcing the views noted above and also noting the need to address issues concerning recruitment, retention and career progression. Remuneration is a key factor which has a significant impact on these issues. UCAC has emphasized that it is important to address workload and levels of accountability but addressing remuneration should be a key factor.
To see UCAC's letter in full, click here.
For further information, please contact the main office on 01970 639 950.

The education unions will also be jiontly advising schools that theu should provide all teachers with a pay increase in line with the STRB recommendations for the relevant pay range and that their pay policies should make this approach clear.