The President all over Wales !

18 May 2016

The President all over Wales! 

It has been an honour and a great pleasure to be able to visit members in schools all over Wales this year. Everywhere I go, teachers are as keen as ever to do their best for the pupils. 
As a teacher in a secondary school, it has been very interesting to see members in both primary and secondary schools. Teachers are so busy that a meeting with the union president during the lunch break can only be a brief ten minute interlude between one task and the next. Teachers throughout Wales, in all sectors, feel the same pressures. 
Heavy workload is a serious and increasing problem. There is a constant need to monitor, assess, moderate and set levels. The burden is getting too much. All this is in addition to a teacher’s many other tasks, such as preparing and delivering effective lessons and educating each individual pupil. The government must act now to deal with workload issues otherwise, too many teachers will leave the profession. Wales needs the skills and enthusiasm our teachers gan bring.  
Gareth Morgan (UCAC National President 2015-16)